We pulled everything out of the pantry and kitchen cabinets and made sure all of the kitchen stuff was unpacked from the existing boxes. The client and I then went through every single item one-by-one, and she determined what to keep and what to get rid of.


Once the client had made her decisions, I got to work putting the space in order. I added Rev-a-Shelf cabinet slides to increase accessibility to the lower cabinets.


The client and I pulled everything out of the pantry, and purged expired and unwanted items.

Before picture of pantry.
Before picture of unorganized pantry.
Before picture of unorganized pantry shelves.


Utilizing acrylic bins, lazy susans, and wire baskets (client already had these), pantry items were organized where it was easy for the client to see and to access what was in the pantry.

After picture of organized pantry.
Close up of organized pantry shelves.
Close up of organized pantry shelves with can risers and acrylic bins.
Full view of organized pantry.



The client did an awesome job eliminating and donating items that she didn't love, use, and/or want. Add to that the two large bags of trash, and we freed up quite a bit of room. One of the goals was to utilize smaller bins for holiday decor that would be easier for the client to carry up stairs.

The client owned the majority of the existing bins, but she did buy a few additional ones that fit the size of the shelves and allowed her to repurpose the really large bins somewhere else. The descriptive labels should not only make things easy to find but also to pack them away again.